Corporacion Aduanera Ecuatoriana C.A.E. (Customs Ecuadorian Corporation)
The personal baggage of a traveler is tax-free.
What is recognized as personal baggage?
All the personal things used or new of the traveler or his family that are not to be sell such as clothing, jewel, personal equipment, cleaning stuff, bags, backpacks, sporting equipment, books, games, papers, pharmaceutical products, wheel chairs, orthopedic equipment, medical equipment for the passengers. Also the personal baggage could carry food items such as 2 liters of liquor and 200 units of cigarettes for passengers 18 years old.
Additionally from the items described above the passengers could also carry one unit of portable electronic equipment such as camcorder, camera, typewriter, laptop, radio, walkman, discman, minidisc, mp3 player or portable video game.
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Quito Airport New Project in Puembo
The Quito Airport is operating since 1960, receiving more than 2 million passengers per year. To improve the services of the airport in Quito, the Metropolitan District and the company CORPAQ signed a deal to build the new Quito International Airport. The constructor is the international Canadian enterprise Canadian Commercial Corporation. With this done the project has started and it is projected to inaugurate the new Quito Airport in 2008. Meanwhile CORPAQ and Quiport are working to improve the services of the Quito Airport.