Ecuadorian typical food restaurants in Quito, ceviche, hornado, fritada and other nice Ecuadorian recipes can be enjoyed at this restaurants in Quito, see the Quito Ecuadorian Food Restaurants directory and ask about it.

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Ecuadorian Typical Food Restaurants in Quito


Ecuadorian food is well known for its diversity in ingredients and the really good taste. In Quito you can find all the different dishes that come from the four regions of the country.

The typical food restaurants in Quito have in their menu dishes such as seafood from the Coast, potatoes and mote from the Sierra, fish from Galapagos and guanta from the Amazonas. So anyway what you find is a great variety and different tastes.

The main ingredients that are used in Ecuadorian cuisine are potatoes, rice, bananas, shrimp, lentils, etc. Also you can find some other exotic dishes such as cuy (guinea pig), tapir, and guanta.

Typical food is really less expensive than international cuisine. You can get it from $ 1.00 up to $ 5.00. Prices will depend because of the place and the quality. Also there are really expensive restaurants of Ecuadorian cuisine, which are La Choza, La Ronda, or La Casa de a lado.

The best choice to get the authentic typical food is to go to the valleys around Quito, and go to one of the many restaurants that you can find around. You can get really tasty dishes at really low prices; this is the case of Vicente's at Mitad del Mundo.

Try to avoid eating in the small carts that you find in the street, because many tourists had get sick because of eating over there.

Ecuador useful Travel links

Barlovento (Ecuadorian seafood restaurant)
Ave. 12 de Octubre N27-09 & Orellana
Phone: (02) 2 223 751/ 2 224 683

El Chuzón de Taita Pedro (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Intervalles & Interoceánica (Cumbayá)
Phone: (02) 2 890 821/ 2 375 266

El Cráter Restaurante (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Mirador del Pululahua (Mitad del Mundo)
Phone: (02) 22439 254

More Quito Information

El Criollo (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Flores N7-31 & Olmedo
Phone : (02) 2 289 828/ 811

Entre Tenedores (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Isabel La Católica 1157 & Ave. Coruña
Phone: (02) 2 906 086

El Níspero (Ecuadorian art food restaurant)
Valladolid N24-438 & Cordero
Phone: (02) 2 226 398

El Pajonal (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Homero Salas Oe5-69 & Altar s/n (Airport)
Phone: (02) 2 449 816

Huaira (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Calama 414 & Juan León Mera (corner)
Phone: (02) 2 906 190

Jocay Marisquería (Ecuadorian seafood restaurant)
Ave. América & Mañosca
Phone: (02) 2 444 508/ 2 255 016
1800 -JOCAYS

Conchitas y Cazuelas (Ecuadorian seafood restaurant)
Tomas de Berlanga & Isla San Cristobal.

La Choza (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Av. 12 de Octubre N24-55 & Cordero
Phone: (02) 2 230 839 / (02) 2 507 901

La Cueva del Oso (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Chile Oe3-66 & Venezuela (corner)
Phone: (02) 2 572 783 / (02) 2 572 786 / (02) 2 583 826

Restaurante Equinoccio (Ecuadorian food restaurant)
Ave. Manuel Córdova Galarza (Mitad del Mundo)
Phone: (02) 2 394 128/ 2 394 091 © 2009 Posicionamiento Web Ecuador
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