Pharmacies in Quito
If you're staying in Quito for some time, you will probably find yourself visiting a pharmacy (Farmacia or Botica). As you will discover, there are thousands of small pharmacies all over the city. In this section some of the best known are listed. At the pharmacies, over-the-counter medications are sold and medical prescriptions filled.
Fybeca's have 24-hour attention and are located in almost every shopping centers as well as in many of the main avenues of the city.
Ways is another pharmacy chain with 24-hour attention and branches in "Los Shirys and Seis de Diciembre", "la Y" and other locations.
A new brand chain with a lot of points of service provides a similar quality of service like Fybeca.
Since there are a myriad of smaller pharmacies and clinics all over the city, you may want to ask your hotel concierge where is the pharmacy or medical service nearest to you located.
Remember, over-the-counter and prescription drugs are often sold under different names; be sure you are getting the drug you need. If you are unclear as to the prescribed amount, have the pharmacist write it down so you can later ask someone to translate it for you. It's also important to remember some medicines available in Ecuador are not permitted as non-prescription medicines in other countries. This is another reason why we recommend contacting a doctor affiliated with your embassy for medical treatment.