For more information about trips to the Illinizas visit the link Quito mountain climbing tours
Flora and Fauna in the Illinizas Reserve
Within its flora we can appreciate the Polylepis or "paper tree" forest, pajonales, chuquiraguas, frailejones, frailejones, chochos de monte, puyas and small yellow and purple flowers. Other species are the arrayan, quishuar, walnut tree, chinchin, guaba, guatusas, retama, floripondio, laurel, lechero, sangre de drago, pumamaqui and romerillo.
In the Illinizas Ecological Reserve we can find some small mammals as the chucuris, raposas, fox, guantas, X snake, huiracchuro, white tail deer, squirrel, cuy and other small animals.