Flora & Fauna
In the Pasochoa there are different kind of species and it is impressive, there are 127 species of birds, 232 of flora and 10 species of mammals, all of that in just 500 hectares.
Among the trees of the Pasochoa some of the ones that stand out are the pumamaqui, that its leafs have the shape of a hand, (pumanaqui = puma paw), the aliso, that grows very fast and the cedrillo, that is very abundant in the area. Also there are other species as the caballo chupa, yerba mora and culantrillo del pozo, which are some of the most important medicinal plants. Other plants and trees are the huavcundos, laurel, Andean cedar, podocarpus, helecho and orchids complete the diversity that exist in the area.
Among the poultry you can find the huirac-churos with it's peculiar singing and hummingbirds that are of great ecological importance. Also there are blackbirds, nursery birds, nuns, tangaras, plateros, turtledoves and wild turkey hens.
In the Pasochoa we can also find some mammals such as wild goats, rabbits, bats, pumas and different kind of rodents. Through out its paths you can watch colorful butterflies, mariquitas, frogs, and other small wild animals.